George Kao

Get clients by being authentic & generous with your content? Here's how it can...

20 minutes of my best advice for creating consistently & authentically

Announcing my new YouTube channel for non-business / personal topics 😊

If under heavy financial pressure, should you still try to build your authentic business? 🤔

Coaches & therapists need to WAKE UP to the coming reality of AI's effect on our careers...

Are you bothering people with your content?

Not inspired? Don't trust that feeling. Show up and create anyway. Even with old 'stale' ideas...

a spiritual perspective on problems

How to grow an audience? On a regular basis, repost/reshare your best content!

daily practice of the energy reboot

Beware of the fake George Kao 😅 and report that scam page 😕

Don't worry about consistency in your content themes/topics... Liberate your creativity!

How to be a conscious influencer? Authentically grow by supporting your audience's sovereignty 🌟

“I do outreach for my business... but very few people respond… what’s wrong with what I’m doing?”

Welcome to George Kao's Website

Content creation strategy & the importance of having a workflow or 'hat manual' for posting...

Authentic Market Discovery course info... with analogy: river of cash / mountaintop

Interview with Bliifee about her creator journey to 200k subscribers

If creating your own modality or framework -- is it ok to copy from your teachers, mentors, coaches?

All of my content is uncopyrighted :)

CORE Coaching Program with George Kao

SEO tip: make more Youtube videos :)

The stupidly-simple secret to my success...

Content Creation for Coaches and Facilitators: Turning Your Expertise into Impactful Online Presence